4440 Von Karman Ave. #201,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Clinic Hours:

Mon-Thurs | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri-Sun | Closed

Clinic Number
(949) 222-0232

The Key to Chronic Illness is the Gastrointestinal Tract

Welcome to the Age Gracefully Show with Dr. Michael Grossman, a distinguished anti-aging specialist, best-selling author, and founder of OC Wellness Clinic in Irvine, California. In this episode, Dr. Grossman delves into the profound impact of our diet on chronic illness and the body’s innate healing potential.

Dr. Grossman’s holistic approach to healthcare revolves around nurturing balanced physiology to maintain vitality naturally. He acknowledges the value of prescription medications but emphasizes the importance of addressing imbalances within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract – a pivotal factor in overall health.

The GI tract plays a vital role in absorbing nutrients from food and houses 80% of the body’s immune system. Any imbalances within this system can lead to discomforts like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. However, Dr. Grossman highlights that these symptoms are not merely inconveniences; they can have profound implications for long-term health and wellness.

Imbalances within the GI tract can lead to a phenomenon known as “leaky gut,” where foreign materials pass through the gut lining and burden the body’s detoxification pathways, particularly the liver. Over time, this overload can damage mitochondria – the energy-producing powerhouses of cells – leading to oxidative stress and a host of related issues.

Dr. Grossman offers insights into addressing this complex issue naturally:

  1. Probiotics and L-Glutamine: Dr. Grossman emphasizes the importance of a balanced gut microbiome. Probiotics containing robust strains like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus are crucial. L-Glutamine, an amino acid, helps repair the gut lining and support its health.
  2. Food Allergies and Elimination Diets: Identifying and eliminating food allergies can dramatically improve gut health. An elimination diet can help pinpoint problematic foods and alleviate symptoms.
  3. Imbalanced Bacteria and Yeast: Certain herbs or prescription medications can help rebalance bacteria and yeast levels in the GI tract.
  4. Mitochondrial Repair: To address mitochondrial damage, antioxidants like CoQ10, alpha-lipoic acid, and vitamin C are recommended.
  5. Holistic Healing: Dr. Grossman approaches chronic disease holistically, providing patients with a comprehensive perspective on their condition and treatment options.

To learn more and connect with Dr. Grossman, visit or contact his office at 949-222-0232. Join us for another enlightening discussion on aging gracefully with Dr. Michael Grossman next week.