4440 Von Karman Ave. #201,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Clinic Hours:

Mon-Thurs | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri-Sun | Closed

Clinic Number
(949) 222-0232

Covid19 Virus-Latest Doctor Recommendations

It is critical nowadays to watch what we are eating so we stay healthy and strong. Dr. Michael Grossman shares exactly how to do that. You may view the YouTube video here.

In the current landscape, maintaining health and strength is of utmost importance. Dr. Michael Grossman addresses the crucial aspect of diet in this pursuit. With an aim to disseminate valuable insights, he presents his perspective in a YouTube video.

Dr. Grossman initiates his discourse by providing the audience with updated insights into the COVID virus. Based on his in-depth research, he highlights a significant revelation—approximately 90% of individuals afflicted with the virus experience mild symptoms, no symptoms, or minimal effects. Conversely, the remaining 10% encounter a more prolonged struggle marked by persistent fatigue, coughing, body aches, fever, and an eventual inflammatory response that targets the lungs. This inflammation can lead to impaired oxygenation and breathlessness, necessitating hospitalization. However, Dr. Grossman emphasizes that timely intervention can prevent this escalation.

In his pursuit of effective solutions, Dr. Grossman details a comprehensive nutritional strategy designed to bolster the body’s resistance to viral infections. He underscores the importance of supplements such as vitamin D, zinc, colostrum, turmeric, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These not only contribute to immune enhancement but also mitigate inflammation. The role of melatonin as a crucial immune booster is highlighted, and Dr. Grossman advocates a specific regimen to follow.

For those experiencing initial symptoms, Dr. Grossman recommends a heightened supplement regimen. He emphasizes the significance of immediate action, detailing the specific dosage adjustments for each supplement. Dr. Grossman also introduces two key herbal immune boosters—Elderberry and Astragalus. To further combat inflammation, he introduces nitric oxide support, particularly beneficial for the arterial and bronchial lining.

Dr. Grossman presents a pivotal intervention involving prescription medications. He stresses the importance of seeking medical guidance when symptoms persist beyond three days. Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and high-dose zinc are introduced as potential solutions. Citing notable studies, he references the experiences of physicians in New York and France who successfully employed these interventions, ultimately reducing fatalities and hospitalizations.

In conclusion, Dr. Grossman urges viewers to consistently adopt the recommended natural immune boosters. However, he emphasizes the necessity of swift intervention through prescription medications if symptoms persist. With a message of resilience and health, Dr. Grossman encourages viewers to stay vigilant, embrace a proactive approach to health, and remain optimistic about the future.