4440 Von Karman Ave. #201,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Clinic Hours:

Mon-Thurs | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri-Sun | Closed

Clinic Number
(949) 222-0232

P Shot

What is the P-Shot®?

The Priapus Shot®, or the “P-Shot” is a non-surgical treatment that uses Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to treat symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. This procedure is delivered via an injection and is used for treating conditions that affect the penis and assist sexual performance and function. The injection improves blood flow and provides growth factors to help rebuild and rejuvenate the damaged tissue in the penis. The result is improved erectile function.

What is the P-Shot procedure?

At OC Wellness, Dr. Grossman will draw a small sample of blood from your arm and place the sample into a centrifuge device that spins the blood. The centrifuge rapidly spins the blood which causes the platelets and plasma to separate from other components within the blood. The result of the of the sample after the centrifuging is then administered via two injections into the penis. In order to provide the utmost comfortability to our patients and keep you at ease during the injection, Dr. Grosman will numb the targeted area with a topical anesthetic cream before administering the injection. The cream assists with alleviating any pain that could be associated with the injection. In some cases, exosomes are combined with the PRP for the injection. The exosomes contain growth factors that when combined with PRP, help the body rebuild damaged tissues and create new blood vessels. 

While side effects are rare, after the injection you may notice slight bruising or swelling at the injection site, however, that typically fades very quickly. There is minimal discomfort after administration of the P-Shot, and there’s no recovery time necessary following the procedure.

What can the P-Shot do for me?

Everyone responds differently, but the most common benefits from the injection are:

  • Stronger and longer lasting erections
  • Increased penile length 
  • Increased pleasure
  • Increased blood flow to the penis 
  • Improved sexual stamina
  • Enhanced sensation, pleasure, and appearance

Is the P-Shot safe?

The P-Shot is considered a very safe procedure. The risk of infection, intolerance or allergic reaction is essentially eliminated because the injection material comes from your own blood. Dr. Grossman is one of a select group of physicians who have been trained, certified, and licensed to perform the procedure.

How long before I see results?

While the exact timeframe will vary from person to person, many men notice improvement within 2 to 4 weeks and experience the benefits of the P-Shot for 12 to 18 months. Individual results may vary, and some cases require multiple treatments. 

But you can expect the improvements to continue for up to 12 weeks as your body repairs damaged tissue, grows new blood vessels, and improves circulation within the penis. As this change progresses, you’ll notice firmer, longer-lasting erections and increased sexual pleasure.

*Individual results may vary

*We do not accept insurance

Call our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Grossman to find out if the P-Shot is right for you.